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Technique Of Market Segmentation Strategy

By Vicki Diaz

Marketing criteria for products and services has been taken to a new level. This is for the business entity to remain in operation and eliminate stiff competition from its competitors. Most of them tend to use the criteria of market segmentation strategy. This is a technique of subdividing the selling place into different sections usually known as segments. What a marketer needs to know is the best criteria to carry out this process.

The divided segments have different features from each other but, the people within similar sections are known to have similar requirements. This makes it easier for the organization to roll up plans that are tailored to meeting these requirements satisfactorily. The guiding principle is that of appreciating the existence of these needs.

Most times, producers find this target a hard one to achieve. When grouping them into different units, the work of ensuring that they uphold standards in production turns out to be the driving factor to ensure that everything is upheld to the benefit of the clients. The five ways of subdivision include benefit, geographical, demographic, psycho-graphic and behavioral.

Benefit is all about what pleasure consumers derive from the commodity being sold. With this in mind, the marketer will be in a position to determine the best commodities that are suitable in ensuring that these needs are met smoothly. The entire criterion is based on views of the clients and their ease of deriving pleasure from the given product.

On the geographical aspect, it tailors towards setting aside areas depending on their location within the entire selling places. The whole world is seen as the main market. Divisions, therefore, arises in terms of states, neighborhood, climate and age wise demography. With this analysis, it becomes easy to determine that certain products which are influenced by climate have the potential of performing better than others as far as weather conditions are concerned. This can be evident very well in Europe during the periods of summer and winter.

Demographic division is widely refers to a broad study of possible clients. Here, issues of gender, age, nationality, family size, occupation, socioeconomic status, culture, income, education, religion and language spoken are taken into consideration. This classification is purely to determine whether mass marketing can be carried out or a company has to target specific clientele in the promotion process.

On the issue of behavior, subdivisions are created basing on the needs of consumers, how they react or purchase the given commodities. Here, cases of brand loyal are highly enhanced in order to maintain the sales of the given product. Other determining factors are in this category are commodity first buyers or regulars and buying extent for different clients. All these are linked to their state of economy for every household.

Psycho-graphic is the final market segmentation strategy. This one tends to answer the question on why people are buying the commodity. The lifestyle of the customers is weighed basing on their translation on consumption rate and purchases of the goods.

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