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How To Deal With Frustration And Feel More Positive

By Vicki Diaz

Frustration and anger, whatever has triggered them, can be very debilitating emotions, leaving us feeling unfulfilled and weakened. Although eliminating the unpleasant effects of these emotions is impossible, and would indeed be very unhealthy, there are a number of things that you can do to make frustration much easier to cope with. Some of those methods are detailed here.

Crying can be a tremendous help to us if the frustrated feelings with which we are dealing are centred on sadness. Never be afraid to shed tears when you are feeling overcome with grief or similar emotions, as crying can lead to a feeling of stillness and renewed optimism. If no one is around to share your pain, then cry to yourself, and treat yourself with kindness and love.

Often anger or rage is the trigger for frustrated feelings, either because we have done something ourselves which makes us angry or because we are angry with someone else. Hitting something can sometimes be a relief for these kinds of feelings, but just belting something soft will have little effect. Hit something which has some resistance so that you can feel some pain, as this helps to clear the anger.

Hitting pillow can be effective, but place the pillow in front of hard surface such as a wall. This minimises the chance of injury while also allowing you to release the trapped emotions which are troubling you. While you hit the pillow, keep the things which are troubling you uppermost in your mind, and yell, shout and swear if you feel the need.

If you want to do something more physical than hitting something then exercise is great to relieving frustrating emotions. A good bike ride or run, or even a long walk, can clear many negative feelings associated with being frustrated. More vigorous and intense training, such as that using intervals, can also be great for relieving negative emotions.

Spending time outside can also help a great deal, especially when you are exercising. Being outdoors helps to you to feel part of the world again, to feel nurtured by air and sunlight rather than trapped indoors. It puts you in a different physical place to the source of the frustrated emotions too.

If you are a more cerebral person, who prefers intellectual rather than physical solutions to overcoming the negative enotions with which you are faced, then you may prefer to write about them. Many people have found that over the years writing a letter to the person who has angered them, or even to themsleves, can be a tremendous release. You do not have to send the letter, and destroying it by fire or throwing it into a river can have a cathartic effect.

No one likes to experience frustration, and unless it is dealt with then it can fester into something much more negative, such as depression. It is possible to relieve frustration by using methods like those detailed above. Solutions are within you which can be found.

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