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To Find A Compounding Pharmacy Florida Is The Best Location To Check Out

By Jeffrey Phillips

The truth is that the consequences of drug compounding sector have not always been good to people who use the drugs. Consequently, lawmakers have put a lot of interest on this sector. They intend to closely regulate it to avoid cases which put users at risk. Lawmakers concur that close regulation needs to be applied on compounding pharmacies. They also concur that a very vital role is played by this sector in the society. When in search of a compounding pharmacy Florida should be given priority.

Compounding plays a very important role in the modern society because it covers loopholes that traditional medicine cannot cater for. For instance, in cases where people experience allergies when they use a certain drug, compounded drugs are the only solution for such people. Usually, allergies that some people experience when they use certain drugs are caused by the presence of certain ingredients.

When the ingredients that cause allergy are removed, the drug can be used without causing any problems to the user. It is the work of compounding pharmacists to identify and remove the ingredient within a drug that is causing allergic reaction. Besides removing certain ingredients in a medication, drugs may also need to be flavored in order for them suitable for use by children and pets.

Like stated above, compounded drugs are usually meant for a specific patient and not for the masses. That means that they cannot be placed to the same level of scrutiny in terms of standards and efficiency as other traditional drugs. That makes it hard for the US Food and Drug Administration to oversee the production and use of the drugs. Instead, this responsibility rests with the state boards of pharmacy.

Furthermore, drug compounders are able to mass produce drugs in instances where there is scarcity of a specific drug. As a matter of fact, the FDA allows compounders to undertake mass production of a drug if its supply is in shortage. In normal cases however, it is illegal for a compounder to commercially produce drugs. Only manufacturers can mass produce drugs in normal cases.

There exist some 7500 pharmacies that produce compounded drugs in the US based on estimates. Around 3000 out of 7500 do sterile compounding. Compounded drugs amount to 1 to 3 percent of all prescriptions individuals get in the US. In the future, this percentage is set to rise as more individuals keep realizing the benefits of compounded medications.

One needs to have a prescription from a medical practitioner who is qualified and has a license so as to get compounded drugs. Acquiring compounded medication without a prescription from a doctor is not possible according to existing laws. For a person without a prescription, it is an offence for any compounder to make compounded drugs for them. Before settling on production of the drug, the validity of the prescription must be verified by the pharmacist as well.

It is easy to think that drug compounding is a new field. On the contrary, that is wrong because compounding has been in existence for a very long time now. The only problem is that not many people knew about it, but that is changing now.

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