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How To Deal With Raw Emotions

By Jose Roberts

Emotions which are real can be hugely overwhelming. They not only affect the individual on a more personal level, but also affect those around them. It can relate to personal as well as professional relationships. As these raw emotions are not treated and neglected, the feelings will keep on brewing up and lead to other problems.

Bottling things up and keeping your emotions hidden away is not healthy. You may even suffer in a physical way because often it leads to psychosomatic symptoms. People show these emotions when they become vulnerable and tell people more about their life. It helps other people to become inspired and look at their own life from another perspective.

Once you have had the chance to express this type of emotion, it can be a huge relief. You get so much off your chest and it is a release in the burden which you may have been carrying around for some time. It can obviously be a challenge to push yourself, because you are going out of your comfort zone, but the rewards pay off.

Your relationships begin to improve as you begin to express yourself. Very often, people don't know what you are feeling inside. When you finally do become angry and say what is on your mind, you will discover that you loved one would not have known what has been going through your mind.

Many people allow things like anger, jealousy and rage to take over their lives. It is not something that they want in their lives. Often, they will start the day on a relaxed note. However, this always seems to go haywire when something small happens. It can be a little road rage and your emotions will get out of control. You will already have started the day in a bad way.

To combat these feeling, it is a good idea to be aware of what you are going through. You need to recognize every time you are being angry with yourself or with those around you. There are specific techniques which can help reduce the anxiety. People engage in mindfulness and meditation. This takes time to get used to the process. It is not instant, but you will find that it pays off.

It could be something like fear, which will relate to many other emotions as well. A person like this will need to look at the reason why they are feeling this way. But a therapist may also feel that the individual will be best off talking to a cognitive behavioural therapist. A therapist like this will help the patient to eliminate negative thoughts.

A person should also try and develop a certain amount of empathy which obviously takes time, but it can be useful for the parson who has anger issues. This will also improve relationships. They will begin to ask themselves more about their loved one and how they are struggling as well.

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