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Here Is Information On Mississippi Orthodontics

By David Phillips

Dentistry is the medical field that is concerned with the maintenance of proper dental health among people. As a field, dentistry covers very many areas and it also has several sun-specialties within it. Each sub-specialty is concerned with a particular area of the dental wellbeing. One of these sub-specialties is orthodontics. Orthodontics is a field within dentistry that is concerned with the alignment of teeth and jaws. This is worth knowing about Mississippi orthodontics.

Doctors who specialize in the field of orthodontics are referred to as orthodontists. They work to correct jaws and teeth that are improperly positioned in the mouth. It is important that all teeth in the mouth be properly aligned so as to make the cleaning process easier and more efficient. When the teeth are not properly aligned, it is harder to clean them well.

Teeth that are not cleaned properly and regularly are at a higher risk of contracting dental diseases and thus, they are prone to early loss. Immediately diseases like tooth decay and periodontal disease develop, it becomes more difficult to get the mouth properly cleaned. Chewing also becomes a problem. Chewing using such teeth usually stresses various head and neck muscles a lot and may lead to headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, neck aches and TMJ syndrome.

When the teeth in the mouth are improperly aligned, their aesthetic appeal is adversely affected. When someone has crooked teeth, they normally tend to hide them when laughing or smiling since they are not so confident about exposing them. This greatly affects self-esteem of a person. Lack of self-esteem obviously affects someone in their life in multiple ways.

There is a variety of appliances either fixed or removable that orthodontists use in rectifying misaligned teeth and jaws. There is a wide range of purposes that these appliances are meant for, jincluding moving teeth, retraining muscles, and influencing the growth of jaws. These appliances work in a manner that involves putting pressure on the affected teeth and jaws gently until proper alignment is achieved.

Different appliances have different abilities to correct dental misalignments. As such, how severe the condition that one is suffering from will determine the kind of dental appliance used by the practitioner. Multiple appliances and approaches may also be used to solve certain conditions if necessary. Each approach and appliance is used at different stages of the treatment process.

If one is interested in becoming an orthodontist, it is important to know that this is not a light decision. The education process alone can take over ten years to complete after one has graduated from high school. One must complete four years earning a bachelor degree in any medical field before proceeding to medical school for another four years to earn a second degree.

Another three years are to be spent in orthodontic residency. Once residency is complete, one must pursue licensure, which involves passing a written exam administered by the American Board of Orthodontics. One may pursue board certification if they like in future or immediately after being licensed. How much experience one has in the field usually determines the amount of money they earn as a salary in a month.

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