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Discover The Different Kinds Of Navicular Disease Treatment

By Gary Young

Navicualr disease is commonly found only in horses. This is a progressive chronic condition that targets the navicular bone. This is called a syndrome of different abnormalities. Even though that resting can prevent the stress on the bones, but the problem will still occur once the horse begins to exercise once again. With the new advancement of technology, research has developed different ways on how to manage the degenerative process of this disease. Even though there is still no cure for it today, owners can still follow the steps to manage it properly. When it concerns with navicular disease treatment, individuals must consult the expertise of veterinarians for the treatment of their horses.

This disease will mostly attack a horse that is around seven to twelve years of age. However, some suggest that will even attack any ages. Some breeds are easily affected like warm bloods, ponies and Arabian races. The lameness is somewhat associated with the irregular workloads or enforced rests.

Veterinarians may conduct a medication procedure. The horses will intake an anti inflammatory drug like phenylbutazone to aid the animal. Some animals may respond well to the medications and other types of medicines for an effective farrier.

There are many factors that can contribute for making the disease much worst. Conformational defects may aid or contribute to the syndromes and especially if it promotes concussion. This includes small feet, upright and narrow feet, long toes and heels, pasterns, and downhill builds, most seen in breeds like American quarter and thoroughbreds.

The low heel conformation and long toes puts constant stress to the bones while the animals are still standing. An upright foot will increase the concussion in parts like the heel region of hooves and where the bones are situated. The excessive concussion will not be absorbed on the body structures as they are intended. It promotes more impact being transmitted from the foot.

Having a poor shape on hooves is inherited but trimming and shoeing it will also contribute as well to get the shapes. By having these problems, these added more stress to the bones and muscles on the horse. When the toes and low heels come in contact with the heel, it compresses the bones and being sheared with the heels.

Surgery is the last resort of treatment. The nerves are going to be severed so that the animal will lose sensations on their heels. However, this treatment comes with a risk and not only masks the problem. This may also provide a long term and serious problems in the future. So proceed with caution.

Researching is very important. Owners must find a way on how to resolve the issue of the disease. Even though it is not fully be cured, there are still some way to ease the pain that a horse could feel. Many techniques and methods can be done to ensure that the animal will still do the things they wanted to do.

Price will always be an issue. Because the procedure is mandatory and long term, it will require a good amount of resources to be dealt with. Get estimation from your local vets and compare each prices before making a decision.

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