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Addressing PTSD Through Trauma Focused CBT

By Donald Cox

Trauma is very much affective and damaging at all points and stages. However, let us go out on a limb here and emphasize its dire effects on children and young adults. That is perhaps because they have less things going on for them, and they are more likely to dwell on a particular event that have altered their psyche and scarred them for life. Early intervention is therefore imperative, and that is assured through trauma focused cbt Nyack.

There are many factors that lead to the formation and perception of trauma. Most likely, it has formed because of the unexpected nature of the experience, since the child or teen is not particularly prepared or cushioned for it. Therefore, the shock can be particularly debilitating. As it is, diverse events are easily traumatic when they happen during ones childhood.

TFCBT aims to cater to the mental and emotional health needs of its clientele so that they may successfully overcome the debilitating effects of early trauma. It can also serve to treat particular conditions and illnesses like, say, PTSD, mood disorders, and other neuropsychological disorders. The treatment is essentially personalized because clients have differing problems from each other. For instance, one may have suffered from abuse, the other violence, and another one from grief.

This enterprise is also holistic. Therapists recognize that treatment ventures for merely the client are not enough. Therefore, it is imperative for the parents and guardians to be incorporated in the process, so that a good outcome is better assured. That only applies, of course, to the non offending parent or guardian.

There are all kinds of events that can cause or accrue to trauma. It may have been through being a victim of crime in general, like physical or sexual assault, disaster survival, accident experience, and generally been the brunt for life threatening situations. After this particular traumatic event, the patient may develop psychological symptoms like nightmares, fixating thoughts, flashbacks, and some such.

TFCBT is a holistic approach. It integrated the theories, approach, and techniques of the tried and tested therapeutic interventions that came before it. Therefore, it has assured beneficial effects, in both treatment and symptom mitigation in youth posttraumatic stress.

One can appreciate the considerable challenge in this enterprise. Thats essentially because of the diversity and stark difference in individual cases. One patient may have been a victim of domestic violence, or sexual assault, or gone through combat experiences, or else been at the receiving end of debilitating grief. Deep dives are necessary here, and the therapist has to be able to draw on a just as comprehensive knowledge and knowhow.

Because children are naturally more adaptive, a short term intervention like TFCBT does them an inordinate good. However, there is no firm evidence on this treatments effects for adult war veterans, whose PTSD may be said, in a medical standpoint, as more complex. This is also a relatively new enterprise, founded in the 1990s as a go to therapy option for young people who have experienced sexual abuse. It goes without saying that it has expanded in its patient demographic all throughout the years.

There is a whole host of benefits to be gleaned with TFCBT. For one, the patients are taught anxiety management through relaxation. They are also taught emotional regulation and healthy expression. Proper ways of coping are integrated, as well as putting the trauma narrative into perspective and working through maladaptive thoughts like self blame. There is an in vivo exposure of sorts, so that the client may gradually desensitize himself or herself to the pain and shock of the experience. And, of course, maintaining recovery is extremely important, so that they retain the methods and coping mechanisms in future situations, and it is assured that the recovery process is smooth and consistently uphill.

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