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Why Patients Resort To Custom Made Medical Travel Plans

By Jeffrey Barnes

Despite the fact that so many diseases have been conquered during the past few decades, many thousands of people still die from those very diseases each year. This may be because they do not have access to proper facilities or specialists, because there are very long waiting lists or because they cannot pay for the treatment. This situation has given birth an entire industry helping patients to seek treatment in foreign countries. To this end, custom made medical travel plans have to be designed.

There is nothing new about the idea of traveling abroad to seek treatment. The concept is as old as mankind itself. In ancient times there were very few healers and some of them enjoyed an enviable reputation far beyond their own countries. People used to suffer great hardship on order to travel to these healers in the hope that their lives may be saved. Traveling to holy places with healing powers was also very popular.

In modern times, traveling abroad for treatment has become a huge industry and some tourism operators specialize in designing special packages for this type of tourist. Desperately ill people will go to any length to get help if it is not readily available in their own countries. People facing death have only one priority and that is to do whatever is necessary to stay alive.

Even patients that are not desperately ill often seek treatment abroad. Those suffering from drear diseases, for example, may learn about new experimental treatment in another country and decide to opt for that treatment. In other cases, patients wish to be attended by a very specific specialist that is renowned for his successes in his specific field. It is only natural that ill people want the best treatment possible.

It is not only the wealthy that travel abroad to seek treatment. Citizens of rich countries with strong currencies often find that a favorable exchange rate can help them to afford treatment in a foreign country with a weak currency. Countries such as South Africa, for example, boast many renowned specialists and facilities, but they have a very weak currency. Fundraising for treatment abroad has also become popular.

Critics have raised some questions related to ethics. They say that many treatment facilities and doctors are greedy and that they will prioritize the treatment of foreign patients, often at the cost of their own local patients. Critics are also concerned that the practice of offering treatment to foreigners can lead to serious legal and moral issues. In some countries rules regarding transplants, for example, are rather lax.

Seeking medical treatment abroad should be approached very carefully and it is highly advisable to use an agent that has ample experience in this field. Care should be taken that the facilities and doctors involved are reputable and experienced. The itinerary will need to be flexible because it is not possible to say just how long the patient will have to remain at the treatment facility or how long recuperation will take.

When people are facing death it is only too easy to understand why they would spend a lot of money and effort in seeking treatment. If there is even the slightest chance of a cure, they will pursue that chance. The will to survive is, after all, supreme.

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