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Basics Of Battery Packs For Medical Equipment

By Deborah Roberts

Imagine responding to an emergency but being unable to do a simple life-saving test or procedure because there is no power to run the device? Imagine someone dying because their pacemaker cell is damaged? Battery packs for medical equipment are quite literally agents in life and death scenes. The cells enable portability and use of the devices when the main power is out.

One common type of cells is called Zinc air. This is just a cell that oxidizes zinc with oxygen from the air. Experts say that as long as the cell is kept in an airtight package, it has a shelf life of up to three years. As soon as it gets exposed to the air, degradation starts. This may be thought to be one of the cheapest options out there. It replaced the mercury zinc oxide cells which were banned by legislation.

Another type is Lithium iodide. This is considered to be the standard cell in medicine. It uses lithium as an anode and has a long charge life. That makes it quite suitable for devices such as the pacemaker. It can be used for up to 15 years without requiring replacement. It may also be quite expensive. Another type is the NiCad. This is fading out though and is only used in rare occasions where necessary. However, new and modern options are being discovered.

When determining the suitability of a specific type, one looks at the battery chemistry. This is all about the technical functionality of the batteries. It is about the chemical processes that occur once the cells are engaged. It may even extend to the possible processes after an engagement that could lead to degradation. One of these is the internal resistance. The internal resistance should be matched to the load requirement of the device for best performance.

Any cell regardless of where or how it is used works best at room temperature. Some advice that a higher ambient temp is ideal. It may be. Though the positive effect is only short term. In the long term, the cell structure is compromised and life is shortened.

Does everyone like a cell that charges quickly, right? This is not a good thing, while convenient, it is not good for the long-term wellness and functionality of the cell. This is due to the chemical and physical changes brought about by fast charging. This degradation might also affect the structure of a device.

The bottom line is that one should go for a cell that holds power for a long time. One that can run the device for as long as possible. Remember these are used in life and death situations. It is best if they can provide service for longer rather than the alternative.

As a reminder, try to keep these cells fully charged and ready to go at all times. Have extras too. A cell could have degraded in the chaos of a trauma. An important tip, read the instructions on the packaging. These are good at guiding the use of the batteries and ensuring longevity.

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