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Ways Of Achieving Self Actualization Nyack Residents Should Know

By Kenneth Parker

In life, everyone is searching for something. Most people are simply looking for basic needs to help them live from one day to the next. Those who can afford basics are looking for fulfillment in other spheres of their lives such as love and companionship, power, fame and so on. Abraham Maslow is the psychologist credited with arranging human needs in hierarchical order with the most basic of needs being at the bottom and self actualization occupying the apex. There are several attributes of individuals that have achieved self actualization Nyack residents should know of.

One of the definitions of self actualization is the state of having full realization of intellectual social and creative potential of a person. No one individual is exactly the same as the other with regard to personal abilities and so the state of actualization will vary. A person can only strive for this peak of they have taken care of their basics such as physiological needs, safety, affection and self esteem.

Not many people get to be actualized but among those that have been lucky enough to get to this level, there are a number of characteristics that are evident. One of these characteristics is that the individuals in question are courageous. They are not afraid of venturing into unfamiliar territory but instead want to be the first to pass through the unravelled path. As a result, they are able to exploit their potential fully.

Any person that dreams of achieving actualization needs to have a properly defined personal purpose. This is also known as the mission. Focusing on this mission provides a reason to wake up every morning and work towards its achievement. There is a need to strive and discover what this mission is as early as possible so as to have enough time to work towards it.

Self acceptance is something that all that desire the ultimate fulfillment need to think about. Nobody is born perfect and our flaws are as many as they are varied. An individual on the path to actualization needs to accept themselves along with all their shortcomings. One should be willing to accept their inborn flaws and find ways in which they can perform optimally in spite of these challenges.

A vision is important as a motivation tool that everyone needs to have. If one is clear about where they are headed then it is easier to get there than when such a vision is non-existent. A vision is like a compass that keeps one on track in spite of the numerous distractions that will be encountered from time to time.

Self actualized people focus more on personal growth and not the mere satisfaction of their needs. They strive on incremental improvements everyday as they move towards perfection. They are always grateful for small victories which keeps them going. At the same time, they work on growing interpersonal relations.

To self actualize is a journey rather than an event. It is a situation where an individual is satisfied that all their dreams have been achieved and they have nothing else to work towards. The most important thing to remember is that every person has a different pinnacle of success as dictated by their birth circumstances and upbringing environment.

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