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Laser Therapy For Ankle Sprain Is The Key

By Carolyn Russell

The inconvenience of having one's mobility put to a halt is an unfortunate event. When it comes to injuries, one of the most common ones deal with the ankle. Something as traumatic as a quick turn or twist can leave an individual in severe pain. Even though all injuries are not created the same, the experience can be devastating. However, laser therapy for ankle sprain may be the key to an individual getting up and moving again.

Sometimes the pain can be so great, that it often appears that it is coming from the outside of the ankle itself, when in actuality it is coming from the joint of the bone. When cases are mild in nature, swelling or bruising is not always evident. However, the pain is real and comes from ligaments being compressed along with surrounding tissue. Symptoms can go from being very mild to extremely severe. Mild sprains mean that a person can function and resume their activity throughout the day. More severe injuries sometimes suggest that a visit to the hospital is needed.

The severity of this kind of sprain can oftentimes be put on a grading system. Those that have mild pain, a little stiffness, and maybe a little problem when it comes to walking, can still participate in activities. Minor tearing may have occurred with ligaments which resulted in mild swelling of the area. This is known as grade 1.

Those that experience severe pain and have difficulty in walking have experienced grade 2. Athletes usually are not able to play. Swelling, bruising, and stiffness may occur. Tearing that is moderate in nature has usually occurred, marked by an unstable joint. Usually there has been a total rupture of a ligament. Instability of the joint is very great, as well as the symptoms of swelling and bruising. This is known as a grade 3 sprain.

There is usually other damage besides the ligament. Sometimes tendons, cartilage, joint capsule, and other tissues may result. An ankle that is severely sprained may have q complete ruptures of ligaments causing dislocation and possibly fractures bones in the ankle.

There becomes an onset of fractures when ligaments pull away oftentimes carrying a piece of bone with them. This injury generally goes unrecognized until the question comes about to why an individual is not healing as fast as they should be. Osteochondral lesions can occur as well through the tearing of the lining of the talus bone.

Swelling is reduced when laser therapy is used because of the increase of the lymphatic flow. Blood flow is also increased which aids in nutrients being sent to different areas of tissue to speed repair. It is also helpful because it removes damaged tissue.

This form of treatment also helps to speed up the body's healing process, which means a person can start rehabilitation a lot sooner. Sprains that are mild in nature can sometimes see improvement after 3 visits. Laser therapy also helps to decrease the formation of prostagladin, which is very helpful when it comes to reducing pain.

Athletes all over the globe are familiar with laser therapy. It has become a great asset to the healing process. Taking the proper care with these type of injuries can result in quicker rehabilitation. Athletes have gained hope knowing that help does exist for ankle injuries no matter what grade they are.

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