Why You Need A Hospice Book On The Dying Process

By Jennifer Martin

Receiving the news that you or someone you care about has only a few months or weeks to live is one of the worst things that can happen to anybody. Death comes to us all, but we often put it out of our minds until faced with its impending reality. If you are caring for someone who is going through the end stages of life, it is useful to find a hospice book on the dying process to guide you through the many issues, practical, legal, medical, and emotional, with which you are suddenly faced.

Nobody likes talking about mortality. It's almost as if we would rather be surprised at a death in the family than have to deal with it for weeks or months beforehand. Even when the moment is expected, when the inevitable does happen, it is still a major shock. Having a terminal diagnosis allows the individual and their loved ones to prepare themselves financially, practically and emotionally. While nothing can substitute for frank and personal discussions with health professionals and bereavement survivors, the age of the Internet allows the privilege of instant access to the right books written by people with experience in dealing with the process of dying.

Once the shock has worn off that death is on the horizon, families can begin to prepare themselves for the inevitable. Physical changes will take place that will be influenced by the patient's condition. As a caregiver, you will want to know how the person feels about organ donation and whether or not they wish to be resuscitated should the need arise.

Some people will be very relaxed and philosophical about what's happening while others will be scared. Others will want to control every possible aspect of their lives right up until the end.

The same could be said of friends and relatives. In addition to managing the physical and medical issues, there will be a barrage of emotions to manage. Hopefully, the event will enable people to reconcile long-standing differences.

Whether or not the dying person wants to donate their organs, it is important to have this decision explicitly stated in their records. It is a delicate question and much easier on both the family and the medical team if it is clearly documented. The same goes for emergency treatment in the event of a cardiac arrest or other life-threatening condition. If there is a DNR document (Do Not Resuscitate) in place, it is essential that everyone concerned to be aware of it.

Then there is the question of where the death will occur. If their medical condition allows, many people like to spend their last moments in the privacy of their own home. If they are spending their last days at home, it is useful for the caregiver to know what the legalities are with regard to attendance by the police. This can be a shock, and shocked and bereaved caregivers can feel somehow to blame for the situation if it is not explained previously.

While every individual case is different, there are certain aspects that they have in common, and it is helpful for caregivers to have a book where they can look things up. The experience is much easier, or, at least, less fraught if everyone has an idea of what to expect.

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