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What Nursing Schools In New Jersey Offer

By Jaclyn Hurley

There are various settings that nurses can work in. These include the practices of doctors, residential care homes, outpatient centers and hospitals among others. To qualify to work as a nurse, you can enroll into an accredited school. Various programs are offered by nursing schools in New Jersey and with them, students can attain a doctorate, masters, bachelors or associates degree as well as a certificate in nursing.

You can enroll for a one year diploma if you want to work as a licensed practical nurse. Another option is to study for two years to get an associates degree. Studying for two or more years to acquire registered nurse certification is also wise. You can also obtain a bachelors degree in this field.

It will take you four years to compete a bachelors degree in this field. The BSN program teaches students how to perform research and how to take leadership roles. If you are a registered nurse who has an associates degree, you can enroll into a college that offers the RN to BSN program. This program will provide you with additional technical training, advanced management skills, the ability to review research papers and increased advancement opportunities.

Another degree program available is the RN to MSN program. To qualify to enter this program, you have to complete undergraduate prerequisite courses and an additional 15 to 18 semester hours of the coursework that is covered in the RN to BSN program. The other advanced programs in this field are the doctor of philosophy or PHD and the doctor of nursing practice, abbreviated as DNP.

The PHD is considered to be academic and research oriented while the DNP is considered to be a professional terminal degree. Rather than focusing on academic research, the DNP deals with the clinical aspects of nursing. If you are a RN who is looking forward to serving as advanced practice nurse like a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist or a nurse practitioner, you can pursue the DNP degree.

The majority of colleges in this state also offer online programs. Students who enroll into such accredited nursing programs can easily advance their careers due to the flexibility that online courses offer. To get into college, students first have to submit an application. If they get accepted, they receive an acceptance letter that contains information about the dates when they should attend an orientation session.

Orientation is important as it will familiarize you with the school, its policies, learning environment and its procedures. You will also be provided with a schedule containing details of the days and times that it offers classes. You will also be informed on the list of supplies you should carry such as notebooks, scrubs, stethoscope, comfortable shoes and drug guides among others.

Choosing an accredited school is beneficial as you can be sure of getting a job after you are done with your studies. Accredited schools offer a good learning environment and financial assistance in the form of scholarships, financial aid and special grants from a number of sources including the federal government. These financial resources can help you pay for some college education expenses.

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