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Social Sites That Are Threat To Google Today

By Abraham Joseph

It is possible that Google may be worried about certain social networks that have taken a world by storm in the last few years. Google used to reign supreme in regard to their ability to command the most people visiting their website to search for information, and also was the primary place that most people used PPC advertising.

Times have changed, and social media has now become much more popular than searching for items on the web. Likewise, advertising through companies like Facebook have really given Google a run for the money because of the social aspect of this type of advertising. Let's look at why social sites are a threat to Google, and how you can capitalize on the benefits of using social media today.

When users get their news through social media sites, they don't need to head over to Google to do a search. Instead, they can simply click the many links that others are already sharing. They may trust links from their friends more than they trust Google's search results.

You can place advertisements on Facebook which many people will see. They can also share this advertisement with friends and family, and they can do the same. Therefore, your advertising dollar takes on a whole new level of profitability because of this viral sharing aspect of advertising on social media sites.

Plus, the Google Plus platform is clunky and hard to understand in comparison to how easy Facebook and Twitter are to use. That is why Google will continue to lose its foothold in social media circles, and the other companies will continue to thrive.

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