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Knowledge Concerning Dry Cleaning Equipment New York

By Jaclyn Hurley

Being clean increases acceptability and helps to enhance the appearance of a person. Cleanliness is comprised of not only the body hygiene but also the clothes one wears. One of the ways in which laundry can be made clean is by use of dry cleaning equipment new york. They make work easier and save a lot of time. They also help in saving money as the detergent solution used can be recycled and used to do multiple jobs.

Various parts are assembled in the factory into a complete set. Every piece used in the manufacture is important to ensure that laundry comes out of the machine when it is clean and dry. Modern machines do both the washing and the drying. Older machines may only be able to do one of these function.

A metallic compartment which has been punched many times is the main part of the dry cleaning machine. It is connected to an electric motor which can make a certain number of cycles per minute depending on the settings installed. When the punched container moves in circular motion, clothes rub against each other leading to friction which removes dirt. This also helps in the penetration of dissolving solution into the clothes.

After the washables have been cleaned by tumbling action. They are rinsed. Water gets into the basket through the perforations and rinses the clothes. This gets the solvent away from the washing. The water with the solvent is taken to a special part of the machine where it is separated. Thus solvent and water are obtained. Solvent is reused which protects the environment and saves money by reducing wastage.

A high speed spinning action is initiated after rinsing. This drains as much water as possible from the clothes. The spinning action lasts for a while which has been set by the manufacturer. At the end of this cycle, the clothes will be wet but not dripping with water.

The next step is to dry the clothes. The same holes in the basket compartment let in warm air which passes through the wash as they are spun. The air is then sucked out along with the moisture in it. It goes to a condensation chamber where water and solvent in vapor form condenses into liquid. The water is separated from the solvent and recycling is done.

Control knobs are used to set temperature at which water used is preheated. They also set the washing time. In case one wants to stop the washing abruptly, there is a control for that as well. Pumps force water into the perforated container and filters clean the detergent making it possible to reuse it. Detergent and water have different weights per cubic centimeters and thus do not blend into each other making it possible to separate them.

These are the steps involved in dry cleaning. With this knowledge, using this machine at home or work will make the procedure easy to understand. One may also have an idea of which part has malfunction in case the machine is not working properly.

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