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How Social Media Networking Has Offered Free Marketing

By Rob Sutter

I believe that a litany of tools deserve to have a great deal of attention placed on them, social media networking being seen amongst them. It's the kind of tool that can help any company that prides itself on bringing the best good to a great audience. As a gamer for a number of years, you can make the claim that I focus on the news in this regard; this couldn't be any closer to the truth. However, one about Nintendo raised my ire a number of days ago.

Masahiro Sakurai, who has been behind Super Smash Bros. since the beginning, said that the latest entry in the series would not have cutscenes or even a full-fledged story mode. This choice baffled a number of people, to say the least, but he basically said that he did not want the experience to be hampered by anyone. With clips being uploaded onto YouTube rather quickly, it seemed like he didn't want the first impressions to become ruined. This was not exactly a popular decision, as you could imagine.

If you were to ask fans about the potential reasons why Sakurai decided to go with this excuse, you could probably imagine that many opinions had come about. Many believe his words, saying that the first experience should not be ruined at all. Others believe that it's a matter of resources and wanting to keep costs as low as possible. There's also the opportunity for added features to be put in place of a story mode and cutscenes but it's difficult to make an assumption.

However, one cannot deny that this is seemingly one of the quickest ways to eliminate any free advertising the Super Smash Bros. series has. Firms likefishbat understand the importance behind your consumers showcasing your products since it seems like more and more individuals will go about utilizing them by association. Why would Nintendo want to destroy its social media networking by punishing those who have been devoted consumers? It doesn't seem to make much sense, in my eyes.

Nonetheless, Nintendo's recent example is one of those which should not be followed. It has done much more to harm the image of one of the biggest gaming moguls as opposed to help it. I believe that the game is still going to sell amazingly despite this piece of news just by the brand alone. The Smash series has done well in gaining copious amounts of fans and I don't think that they are ever going to turn down the opportunity to play the latest installment in the series.

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