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Home Lice Treatment San Francisco

By Lila Berger

Head lice or pediculosis is actually a very common condition that a lot of people suffer from. Now people who have this usually do not have good hygiene or are constantly in contact with people who do not practice good hygiene. The good news here is that there are certain natural methods that can be used for lice treatment San Francisco that work really well.

Lice is something that is usually passed around from one person who has the condition to another who does not. It can also be passed on if a person uses the clothes or hats of another person who has this kind of condition. Another source of these types of bugs would be the eggs of these insects as the eggs tend to leech on to the heads of their victims.

It is actually quite easy to be able to diagnose this sort of condition because the signs are visible. The first sign would actually be severe itching as well as swollen lumps somewhere in the back of the head. The next thing to look out for would be some white dots on the back of the head near the follicles of the hair.

The first method that one may use to take away these crawlies would be to do it the manual way by using a metal comb to forcefully take them out. Now take note that if the case is too severe, then this sort of method will definitely not work. This type of method will only work for mild cases where in the insects are only a little bit.

Vinegar is known to be one of the best natural remedies for this type of sickness simply because it has a strong acidic level. One of the best parts about this type of treatment is that it can kill the bugs without badly affecting the hair. So there is actually no limit as to how much vinegar one can pour on his head because it is completely safe.

Another natural remedy that one may be able to use would be coconut oil. The great thing about coconut oil is that it not only takes away the crawlies, but it also makes the hair healthier and thus prevents future occurrences of pediculosis. So it actually does a cure and prevention job to the scalp and the hair.

Now if one is worried that he will have a hard time taking these things out of the hair, then he may actually use cleansers as his shampoo. Although it is known to be a weak solution, can actually kill these bugs on the head. In fact, one may use it as an alternative to chemical shampoo if his hair is sensitive.

So if one is suffering from bug problems on his head, then maybe these lice treatment San Francisco methods may work. The best part about using these methods is that these methods are very safe and they are also inexpensive. One thing that everyone must remember though that if one does not have good hygiene, then the occurrences of pediculosis is very high as compared to those who constantly keep their hair clean.

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