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Reasons For Using Sun Lotion For Suntan Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

At one time, not so very long ago actually, there were times and places where tanning lotion was something that you brought along for the day. Beaches, poolsides and days spent outdoors at parks were the most common. But today this concept has changed greatly, and now it has almost become a normal staple in the items we carry with us everyday.

Because if you look back you may remember seeing hoards of people on the beach or in a park laying out, and what they were lathering all over their skin was baby oils or other dark tanning oils. This were methods that gave the darkest skin possible, and that was what summer was all about. This has changed drastically lately.

With all the news of the dangers that the sun causes or can lead to, the attitudes of the sun worshipers has changed. And this is not to say there are no longer any around, just that the ways they go about it have altered somewhat. And the industry has changed the methods we can get the results by coming up with products that will fit into any lifestyle.

And while this is giving everyone more options, there are still a few select types that people tend to lean towards. And they are they highest level of protection, the darkest tan possible, and of course they now have the lines of sunless products that seem to take all the danger out of getting a tan.

And each line has benefits that may appeal to you. And again it comes down to what you hope to achieve. If you are simply looking for protection while you are out, you will probably focus more on the products that offer high protection levels of SPF. This allows you to be outdoors, but you have less to worry about as far as how much sun you expose yourself to.

That is not to say that the oils that are used for sunning are not also available with SPF protection, only they may not come with such high levels. And for many this too is okay. They are not as concerned with the protection as they are with the look that will result from their days outdoors. And if this is the case there is something for them as well.

And now tanning lotion is even available for those who choose not to go out into the sun itself. Whether it is sunless tans from a bottle or beds they use at salons, lotion is available to them as well. And depending on the look and experience you are going for, you are sure to find just the right solution for your needs.

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