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Flame Retardant Wood Not Used As Much

By Andrea Davidson

There are probably a few hardware or lumber stores in your local area. Regardless, it might still be difficult to locate flame retardant wood. In many cases you may find the liquid coating that you can apply on your own but if you want actual lumber that is fire retardant you might have to do a little traveling.

People are stubborn and sometimes it can be hard to change a person's mind. This is especially true of people who have been working in an industry for a very long time and have a specific way to do things. Even if shown something that clearly makes something easier or done better they would still not change their ways purely out of stubbornness.

When building a home there are various tradesmen who come in to work on various portions of the project. Construction, electrical, plumbing, just to name a few. However these three are probably the three main ones who would be stuck in their ways of doing things. Even though this is true, these ideals are slowly being phased out.

If you are going to use this particular type of treated lumber to build your home or an addition or even a clubhouse or smaller structure, you can rest assured that the qualities that make this lumber special will remain active for the life of the material. That truly is a good trait and something that saves people hassle and money.

This is a change for the better and even some of the so-called "old timers" are listening and altering the way they do things. Not all of them mind you, but most. The ones who simply are too stubborn to change will find their way out of the industry and into retirement. But change is on its way, there is no doubt about that.

Using this lumber for newer projects and smaller projects is something that makes a little more sense to most. People would use it for say, a dog house. Or maybe even a children's playhouse in the backyard. Things like this make perfect sense to use such a material for and it would likewise be easier to re-treat every five years if necessary.

More and more people are starting to use this protected lumber for not just their homes but for everything. Of course the cost is a factor as it can cost nearly double what the normal stuff costs. This might be a factor for some, but for others it is not. They would rather have the safety than the money.

That is the main advantage of the flame retardant wood. It can still burn but it takes much longer to. So by the time it does slowly start the people who can fight the fire have arrived and everyone living in the house is safely outside, just in case. Better safe than sorry! There is not reason to take any chances with life.

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