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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Psych-K

By Andrea Davidson

Psych-k stands for Psychological kinesiology. The whole thing was developed by Robert M. Williams about two decades ago. He came up with this tool through his famous website to help people to deal with life emotions and all those factors that affect the human mind some beyond their control, subconscious mind. It can be generally viewed as a form of counseling that helps people by motivating them in their daily lives.

For these reasons, Robert W. Williamson came up with it which is a center to help curb and solve problems with subconscious mind. It is a platform which has grown over years and helped a great number of people to solve issues in life. With the rising demand for his great service of assisting people with psychological issues, R. Williamson has formed a team of instructors that aid in offering this assistance to people.

Generally, psych-k can be said to be a resource for guidance and counseling. This is so because counseling is to give a direction in life with useful suggestions by a professional. Counseling will give a person a course of action and advice just like Williamson team that helps solve emotional issues brought about by subconscious beliefs. There are however main areas that this team is helpful. Some of the areas they assist so much in giving direction are discussed herein below.

Many have problems with their religious faith. Psych-k comes in to help in such a situation as they aid to make a strong bond between people and their supreme being. Many believe in God and they have faith for His protection, love and care. The problem however comes when they feel like they should go. This may be due to problems in life they feel like God is not helping them at all. They are taught to believe and have faith as He is always in control.

People need to understand their capabilities and regard themselves like they want to be regarded. This is a self-esteem problem. Many people would just underrate their abilities because they think they are not better than others. They need to be assisted to understand what they can achieve and how important they are. High self-esteem is good because people would perceive you the way you are. Nobody would see you as an achiever if you believe you are a failure.

Nowadays we have different religions. As people are spiritual beings, they have different beliefs on their view to their supreme being. Psych-k teaches how people should strengthen their faith and beliefs. Some people would reach a point they consider that they should let go of their religion just because they have not seen yields yet.

Spiritual beliefs are there. They are the ones which keeps us going as all believe there is one natural being who loves them. Sample beliefs that people have include; they are loved by God and they are protected by Him. The center in question can help make a strong bond with God and strengthen the faith.

Therefore they are taught how to maintain their strong bondage with God who is the Supreme Being with most religions. They are to strengthen their faith and relationship with their supreme being. Common beliefs are elaborated via psych-k. For example; God is the protector and God loves us all.

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