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MLM Tools: Which Are Must Haves?

By Ken Acree

Do you really need to use MLM tools in order to grow your Network Marketing business? Let me ask you this: Do you want to save time, make more money, and differentiate yourself from the competition? The fact of the matter is that the right tools will make all the difference in the world, if you plan to give Multi level marketing a legitimate shot.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of different options available, but tools can basically be categorized in 2 different ways. You have the narrowly focused tools provided to you by your company (usually at a fee), and you have those that are provided by outside vendors and are much broader in scope.

The first tool that you may not even think of as a tool are your company's products themselves. Especially if you are involved in a consumable product based MLM, one of the best items you can have at your disposal is sample product to share with potential customers and business partners.

When you first started thinking about tools, you probably considered product brochures, opportunity DVDs...things like that. Your company probably has a separate division established to provide these things to you at a cost. These are great to hand to someone in public, or to mail to somebody who has requested specific info about your company.

Another tool that is essential these days is a website. Most companies now provide Distributors with replicated web sites. Some provide these free of charge, while others charge nominal fees ranging from $1 to $12 per month.

If you spend very much time promoting your MLM business, you will quickly begin to explore the tools options outside of what your company offers. Sometimes, as good as your company may be, they may not have the best systems in place because they are focused in other areas. You may want to produce your own stand alone website. If you do, you will also need a lead capture program in place so that you will be able to appropriately follow-up with prospects.

Once you have leads to contact, how will you follow up with them about your business? Manually contacting each of them can become quite time consuming. You should definitely look into the various autoresponder services that will automate this process for you.

If your intention is to build a large organization, then using the right MLM tools is a must. As your business grows, you will actually find yourself using more tools instead of less. Because let's face it. Free time is priceless.

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