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Traverse City Fibromyalgia Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic

By Nelson Clodfelter

Fibromyalgia is an illness that causes chronic pain. The illness may cause tenderness in muscles and result in sleep problems. The condition is severe enough that it may disrupt one's daily activities. A Traverse City chiropractor offers therapy to help with fibromyalgia symptoms.

According to estimates, as many as 4 million people are affected by the illness in the USA. The condition can take years to be found and often occurs at the same time as other diseases, making an accurate determination more difficult. It is known to be more common in women and the chances of it developing increase with age.

Fibromyalgia patients may also suffer sleep problems, reducing the time spent in restorative deep sleep. The restorative sleep is required for one's body to make needed repairs. Other symptoms may include depression, anxiety and restless legs syndrome. Sufferers may develop other neurological symptoms.

There are no specific tests that can determine if one has fibromyalgia. Instead the condition is often determined by ruling out other possible causes. The chiropractic doctor tests the 18 specific tender points. If pain is experienced in 11 or more of these points, and the patient experiences widespread pain in the body, he or she may fibromyalgia.

According to chiropractic theory, the overall health is related to that of the central nervous system as it interacts with the spine and muscles. Chiropractors do not rely on medication or surgery. They make adjustments to the spine to alleviate problems such as fibromyalgia. The therapy helps to relieve pressure from the nerves and restores blood flow to help the body to heal.

In addition to making chiropractic adjustments, the Traverse City chiropractor might also make recommendations for lifestyle changes to alleviate one's symptoms. A regular exercise routine and the use of hot or cold therapy may help. Use of natural supplements such as St. John's Wort or SAM-e may also be helpful.

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