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Simple Steps To Make Tribe Marketing Work For You

By Robert Strong

Advertising cooperatives have been employed by smart marketers for most many years. The idea is each member contributes a tiny bit to extend the purchasing power of the whole community. Tribe marketing is the online version. There are 2 major benefits we will rap about, but there are lots of benefits overall including but definitely not restricted to these.

* Trust and Authority Back Links

* Automated Facebook Integration

* Viral Twitter Posts

* Automated Blog User Collusion

* Increase SEO for Ranking

* Strongly-targeted, Fresh Traffic

* Increased ROI

Internet Based Tribe Marketing Defined

It's of no significance if your business is online or offline, the goal of every business intending to earn a profit is to gain better targeted exposure for their goods and services to make an increased quantity of sales. Lessen costs and raise profits.

Traditionally this has done by actively promoting the content through forums, social bookmarking, tweeting, sharing on Facebook and using a a range of tools to increase the number of back-links to increase the prospects of getting the content to rank higher in the search engine search results page.

Now imagine ganging up with a "tribe" composed of dozens, even tons of like-minded marketing consultants with the aim of auto-syndicating their articles and, in return, having them auto-syndicate your content to their network of social bookmarking accounts, Twitter, Facebook and other Web 2.0 properties.

My list is your list and vice verse! Multiplied lots of times!

Think Automated Cooperative Marketing

The sorcery driving the tribe marketing concept is one of group cooperation. You shared and promote each member's content as broadcast and, in turn, they share your marketing messages when you publish. The content is distributed instantly through numerous social bookmarking sites, micro-blogs, blog commenting, Facebook and Twitter.

To take full advantage of this new tribe marketing concept, you'll want to embrace the auto-syndication model.

We'll take another look how this works.

Getting your value-based content and sales offers to rate high on the major search engine results page ( SERPS ) is the ultimate prize when it comes to captivating strongly-targeted prospects and potential customers. And while many things make a contribution to how well your content ranks, maybe the most powerful factor are backlinks from other authority websites and pages.

Also, since your content is really being "shared" thru real folk actual marketing accounts - you can expect your message to be read and acted on by real folks too. Your content will really be seen by possible prospects and shoppers and this will drive real traffic.

One of the least clear benefits are the potential relations you create in your marketing tribe. Like you, these folks are marketing specialists always looking to increase profitability so think "partnership potential" and partnerships.

Tribe Marketing Set Up Process

You have 2 basic selections. You can set up your own "tribe" and distribution processes or you can join an existing tribe with a serious system already in effect.

Creating your tribe and distribution channel will be a big venture. Think loads of domains, loads of program installs, great IT and plenty of administrative work on the back-end. This option is just not realistic for most marketeers.

Better. You can join an already established tribe marketing platform like Tribe Pro and be set up to start sharing and having your content shared literally within a few short minutes. It is free. It's fast. It's straightforward. Look at it and join the tribe marketing revolution today. And if you're really serious about taking your business to the next level, see also MLSP for the Web best lead generation platform.

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