Are College Students Ready for the Real World?

By Troy Dickson

The Time to Prepare for Your Ideal Career Is Now by James Malinchak

Part 1 of 2

School will be finished sooner than you think and you are going face one of the greatest challenges of your life--the Real World! First, as you prepare to deal with life beyond college, you must first realize that the Real World doesn't owe you anything. A lot of graduates believe they are entitled to the job of their choice simply because they've completed college. But, the Real World doesn't operate that way. No company will hand you a career simply because you've got a college degree. However, you could better prepare yourself for the job market by following some easy suggestions.

Identify Your Ideal Career

Before plunging into the competitive job market, first identify your ideal career. You need a clear idea of precisely the career you desire. After all, how can you attain anything if you do not know what it is that you want? Answer the following questions as these questions help you focus on what you want.

1. Which career would make me feel the most fulfilled?

2. Which career excites and energizes me?

Once you've answered these questions, make a commitment to yourself to go after your ambition. You've got the ability within yourself to go after and land any job you want. Don't listen to anybody who may laugh at you or tell you that it's not possible.

Three Key Principles

Before starting your career pursuit, you have to mentally prepare yourself for the objectives you'll need to set, and the setbacks you might face. You should focus on your objectives and your plan for attaining them. You have to believe nothing will keep you from having your ideal career. Adhering to 3 key principles can be helpful.

Principle No. 1---Overcome Obstacles

When you start your job search, you could face obstructions arising from your age (youth), lack of experience or qualifications. Employers might not take you seriously. Friends might criticize you for trying to go after a particular career. Be aware that these obstructions may appear, but the choice is yours to stop these obstacles from stopping you.

Principle No. 2---Set Goals

Goals serve to help you focus your attention. You will not achieve anything until you have a clear focus. Identifying reachable objectives helps you achieve goals and gives you a motivational spark. Once you have a desire to achieve, your determination to succeed becomes immensely powerful. It is imperative that you set your goals before you begin your job search. Not having goals is like trying to drive a car somewhere you have never visited before without a road map. How can you expect to reach your destination without the proper directions? When it comes to your ideal career, your goals are your road map. Follow this "map," planning your course of action step-by-step.

Principle No. 3---Believe in Yourself

When you begin pursuing your ideal career, you may meet people who say you are not qualified or experienced enough. You may meet employers who think you're too young. You might meet people who tell you that you do not have the ability to succeed. If you really want to pursue your ideal career, you should have an unconditional belief in yourself and your abilities. Believing in self is an incomparable experience-your confidence level rises, obstacles disappear, and your dreams become reality.

Part 2 of 2 can be found online...

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