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The Three Most Important Steps In Product Development

By Franca Rothman

Almost everything you can think of has gone through a process of some kind. This includes both natural and man-made things alike. A process is necessary for everything from atom creation to the formation of galaxies.

Likewise, there is an entire process related to product development -- from the birth of a new idea to the creation of a salable product. Today, I want to give you a brief understanding of 3 important steps involved in product development.

First, you must come up with an idea for a product. Then you must think of a specific plan on how you will develop the product, envision its final state, and create a timeline and budget to convert the idea into a tangible product.

The second step in product development is documentation. You need to document your early designs and prototypes to protect your ability to patent it later. You must have blueprints so that it can be mass produced. You need to copy all documents in case someone else tries to claim the idea as their own own later on. Documentation helps in demonstrating that you invested the time and material into the design in case there are disputes about who built the first prototype.

Third, you must learn about all legal issues involved in protecting your idea and your product. This means you have to understand your intellectual property rights, which means knowing about the different types of patents, understanding why you need one, and determining when to file one. Besides learning about patents it is valuable to learn about the other intellectual property that the law allows you to claim such as trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and it's never too soon to learn the importance of a non-compete and a non-disclosure agreement. Only after you have built an intellectual property strategy, can you learn about maximizing your patent investment.

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