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Social Media Agencies: The Next Generation of Marketing

By Ken Godberson

Technology has certainly changed how our world operates. Do we all have personal jet-packs yet? Well, no, but my point is that there has been significant changes within all aspects of our lives within the last fifteen years. The Internet has become a cornerstone to the global society. With that knowledge, every industry is different, some more than others. One particular industry that has changed completely is the marketing industry.

As the digital world grows, marketers have taken a lot of notice. One phenomenon of particular interest to them is social media. What is social media? To put it in the simplest of definition, it is a program, whether a website or an app, that not only provides a user with the ability to share information, but to communicate with others as well. Do you put videos of your pets on YouTube? Have a Facebook page? Tweet constantly? Congratulations, this and many more platforms are examples of social media.

So why is social media so interesting to a marketer? How often are you on your Facebook or on Twitter? I myself have to use them to try and maintain some semblance of a social life due to the chaotic schedules of a post-bachelors student. Marketers have noticed this extremely frequent use of social media and are starting to adapt their plans.

Social media agencies, marketing bureaus that specialize in the use of this new way of communication, have begun to form. It is the objective of these businesses to optimize their client's name digitally. To do so, they have multitudes of tactics they can utilize. Social media agencies look into just who is talking about the kinds of products/services that their clients provide and provide ads to these people. These agencies also outreach to online journals, or blogs, that specialize in what their clients provide. It's all about getting as many people to talk about the client as possible.

Marketing has changed significantly. Social media agencies are becoming the new mad men as old marketing tactics fall to the wayside. What will the industry be like in fifteen or twenty years? Who can say with any degree of accuracy, but one thing is for certain: social media has brought about a whole new facet to the marketing industry.

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