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Reflexology for Anxiety- How Can It Help?

By Elfe Sarmiento Cabanas

Anxiety and other mental health issues are getting more prevalent nowadays. In pace with the growing incidence rate of anxiety and its related conditions, there is now a wide availability of medications which are aimed to reduce the impact of anxiety to a patient's life.

Despite that, great portion of the world population are still using traditional means of healing because of their profound effectiveness. Is reflexology really beneficial in helping people cope with anxiety and its symptoms?

Assumptions of Reflexology

Reflexology is a form of bodywork that works under the assumption that organs of the body are well represented by the reflex points found on the hands and feet. When pressure is applied on these reflex points , the central nervous system is stimulated to release a relaxation response which is beneficial in alleviating he symptoms of anxiety.

It can stimulate the function and health of certain organs in the body. Furthermore, it brings healing and therapeutic effects to the human body.

Through the years, reflexology has earned a good reputation as an excellent treatment for anxiety. In one study, it was found out that reflexology can help in reducing stress and driving the level of blood pressure to an optimum level which indicate relaxation.

Alleviating the Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety and stress is released through the stimulation of the lymph nodes to move properly, stimulation of the paths which the nerve takes and relaxing the muscles of the body. By applying pressure to the stomach reflex, symptoms of anxiety such as nausea, butterflies in the stomach and changes in appetite are eliminated.

Meanwhile, when the reflex points connected to the adrenal glands are stimulated, it can result to a significant reduction in the level of cortisol and adrenaline hormone produced. According to research, excessive level of these hormones in the body can worsen the impact of anxiety.

When the pineal gland is stimulated, sleep and wake cycle is regulated. This is good for people who have been suffering from insomnia and other sleep disorders which are often associated with anxiety.

On the other hand, the pituitary gland is useful in reducing the occurrence of anxiety symptoms and helping the body adjust its response towards stress. Stimulating the points associated with the colon and small intestines are beneficial for patients who suffer from irritable bowel symptoms.

When the solar reflex points are stimulated, it encourages a feeling of well-being, reducing the sensation of 'butterflies' in the stomach, promoting calmness and relaxation, and slowing down the rate of breathing.

Reflexology is also claimed to be effective in regulating the production of anti-depressant hormones and natural painkillers in the body which can help in bringing out a deep sense of calmness and relaxation.

Nowadays, there are lots of people claiming that reflexology is an effective traditional method which can help in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety. However, there are only limited studies which verify those claims.

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