How To Acquire Strategic Insight

By April Heath

Strategic insight is not a skill that one is simply born with. It is actually an art that is mastered through many years of experience in the field. No matter what field one may be one whether it may be politics, business, or war, a leader must always have a tactical intuition that will be able to overcome adversities. It is not something learned overnight but it can actually be self taught.

The word insight is defined as the ability to perceive a certain situation and know what will happen next. In other words, it is having the ability to analyze the current situation and make a prediction of what will transpire in the next few minutes. If one does not have foresight, then he will not be able to know what his enemy will do.

To some people, intuition like this may come naturally because some people have a talent for it. However, for those who are not born with this type of gift, he would have to start from step one. Step one would be to study about the strategies that were used in historic battles. So if one wanted to gain this intuition, he must first hit the history books and see what the strategies there are like. Eventually he would have to recall his history lessons when the real thing comes.

Theory without application is empty knowledge. So it is important to always practice tactical thinking. Leaders usually practice by playing games that require heavy strategies like chess, checkers, or war games. This will keep the mind sharp and alert at all times.

One should not think that just because he is good in games then he will be good in real situations too. Real life is not a game and options can shift at any moment. So when in battle, it is always important to keep a clear mind that can assess situations. It is only with a calm mind that one will be able to make a move based on the current scenario.

With presence of mind comes clarity of thought. With clarity of thought comes wisdom and understanding which will allow one to analyze and evaluate the situation. If he thinks clearly, he will be able to spot for any patterns in the tactics of the enemy. From there, he can recall if that pattern was used in history.

Then from there he must think what strategy the enemy is using against him. If he knows what strategy is used, he will know how to react. Knowing how to react will put him at the advantage because he can think ahead of the enemy.

As one can see, gaining strategic insight is not as easy as it seems. Sure it is possible to learn it, but it is not something that can be acquired anyhow. However, it should be an art that all leaders put effort to learn. Without it, it will be difficult and almost impossible to succeed.

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