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Basic Principles of Brand Management

By Steven Harrison

There is no consumer product that does not have to fight for its marketplace. Consumers are spoilt for choice and manufacturers have to do whatever they can to convince customers to try their products and to keep using it. This is where brand management comes in. Once a specific product becomes instantly recognizable and the perceived product of choice, customers award it a certain kind of loyalty.

The initial design of the label is of vital importance. The product has to be unique and it needs to make definite promises regarding its value above its competitors. It needs to convey the message that the promises made will be kept and that compromise will never be accepted. This serves to assure consumers that they can count on the label.

Once the label has been developed it is important to create awareness. Consumers need to associate the label with the product and they need to recognize the label almost subconsciously. This type of awareness is normally created by means of catchy slogans and tag lines. The message thus conveyed should be aimed at very specific target markets.

The fact that consumers are aware of a specific label does not necessarily translate into sales. It is necessary to create consumer loyalty. This means that shoppers must prefer the specific product above all others. Consumers grow to trust the label and they become less responsive to advertising from competitors.

The process whereby a label is created and maintained require skill and an integrated strategy that is able measure the extent to which the product succeed in gathering a loyal customer base. Such strategies need to be focused on very well defined target groups and care should be taken to adapt the strategy as the definition of the target group changes.

Establishing client loyalty and maintaining it is an astonishingly byzantine process that requires very special skills. Brand management is seen as one of the most important aspects of the marketing function. If shoppers can be converted into believing the promises made and if they find that their expectations are met consistently, then success is almost inevitable.

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