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Tactics To Improve Your Lifewave Earnings

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Lifewave reps: Are you seeking to become a top earner? Read on.

If you wish to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time.

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Create The Proper Frame Of Mind

Mindset is #1 most important determinant of your success in Lifewave. Running a business demands a very different mentality than being an employee. It's critical you cultivate a mindset of strength, fortitude and conviction in yourself.

Most networkers believe skills such as generating leads and selling are what will make them money. Mindset is far more important than skills.

The things you think about habitually are the things you attract into your life. You can always learn skills for your Lifewave business. But without the mindset of a winner, you're likely to quit the business when you face extreme pressures, regardless of your skills.

To succeed in Lifewave or any business, you must believe these and other empowering things:

- I will succeed no matter what

- I will persist long past when others quit

- I will succeed even if my sponsor no longer supports me

- I have a strong purpose for building a successful business

- I have a very specific and quantified goal I have defined for my business

Take steps to develop your mindset such as working with a mindset coach and attending workshops. Make mindset a priority, and your Lifewave will benefit greatly.

- Market In A Way That Suits Your Temperament

Reps in companies like Lifewave often model what their upline does, even if these strategies do not match the rep's personality. This is a big reason people in companies such as Lifewave often quit within their first 12 months.

Choose a marketing strategy for your Lifewave business that meshes with your personal preferences. If you market in a way that's congruent with your personality, you'll reap a lot of advantages:

- You'll be more consistent when you pursue tactics you enjoy.

- Not only will your personal satisfaction increase, you are likely to work harder too.

- Ability- You are much more likely to become skilled at doing tasks you enjoy doing.

It's important to decide whether paid strategies or free promotional strategies suits you. Paid advertising can create fast results, but it requires a budget. Here are some paid advertising methods:

- Advertising in ezines (online magazines) with solo ads

- Facebook advertising

- Images ads (also called banner ads

Free traffic takes more time to develop, though over time it can add up to a lot of traffic. Here are some free tactics:

- Leveraging Twitter and Facebook to promote your content.

- Creating and publishing Youtube videos.

- Blogging and article marketing to get free traffic from search engines such as Google.

Does connecting and being social sound like you? Then social media might be for you. Is writing something you enjoy? If you do, then maybe you'd enjoy article marketing.

Are you analytical? Measuring and tracking ad expenses and revenue are a big part of paid strategies. Select strategies that fit your style. Then get to it!

- Manage Time Effectively

Time is your mist precious asset as a Lifewave business owner. People with jobs get paid even if they are not productive during that week.

As a business owner, your income is going to depend on how productively you use your time. If you want to be successful in Lifewave, you've got to manage your time properly.

Schedule your days. Write out when you will work on each task for your Lifewave venture. When you sit down to work, you must know what to get done, so you can start immediately.

Focus on revenue generating activities. These are things like connecting with qualified prospects and generating leads. Limit diversions. Stay away from the Internet, especially Facebook, while you work. They can be huge distractions.

Start your work time with the most critical tasks. These are the tasks that create the most income for your Lifewave venture. Clarify what each hour of time is worth to your business. Plan how much you intend to earn in a year, then divide it by the number of hours you intend to work each year. This number is your hourly rate as a business owner.

It might be over one hundred dollars per hour. Can someone do your grocery shopping and other chores for less than this hourly rate? If you can hire someone to do these tasks for less than your time is worth, you should do so. You should hire people to complete simple household tasks.

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