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Strategies To Maximize Your Beauticontrol Income

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Beauticontrol network marketing reps: Forget chasing friends and family. Learn the strategies 7-figure earners are quietly using to build enormous businesses.

If you wish to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

You MUST learn to market!

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Strengthen Your Beliefs

If you want to do well in Beauticontrol, you've got to boost your belief level in 4 places. First, you must believe in yourself. Don't let anyone tell you you're going to fail. You define what level of greatness you're going to express in this lifetime. Get into action and your self esteem and belief will grow.

You've also got to have a strong belief ion your product line. You cannot successfully promote a product you don't like. Get your hands on all the company's products. Get direct hands-on experience using all the products. Use all (or most) of Beauticontrol's products regularly. If you don't believe in the products, find a company with products you believe in.

A third element is you must have strong belief in the financial opportunity associated with Beauticontrol. Make sure you're in a deal where you have strong belief in the company mission, leadership, comp plan and mission. Be at your company events. Get to know leaders in your company.

Finally, you have to believe strongly in your business plan. Make sure you're using strategies that have been proven by leaders in Beauticontrol to be effective.

- Think Like A Top Earner

The most important factor in your success or failure in Beauticontrol is mindset. The challenges you face as a business owner are much more intense than the challenges you face as an employee. You will need a success mindset to maintain the determination, fortitude and inner strength required to grow a business.

Most networkers believe skills such as generating leads and selling are what will make them money. Your skills are less significant than what you focus on and think about moment to moment.

The things you think about habitually are the things you attract into your life. It's straightforward to develop skills for your Beauticontrol venture. But without the proper mindset, you will quit the business before you've implemented any of these skills.

In order to grow a thriving Beauticontrol business, you have to believe a few things:

- No matter what happens, I will find a way to be successful

- Even when I face obstacles that would make others quit, I will endure

- I am self-sufficient. I don't depend on my sponsor or upline

- There's a powerful and compelling reason I build my business

- I am focused on a goal that's quantified, attainable and bounded in time

Take on personal development activities such as attending workshops and listening to trainings by leading mindset trainers. Focus on building the right frame of mind, and your Beauticontrol business will start moving in the right direction.

- Market With A Funded Proposal

Building a network marketing business such as Beauticontrol takes money. You need money for advertising, educational tools and marketing systems. About 90%-95% of the people you approach are never going to join your network marketing organization. You're going to waste your money on prospects that won't generate you any revenue.

So do you want to learn how to get paid by all the people who DON'T join your Beauticontrol opportunity? This is what a funded proposal adds to your enterprise. A funded proposal is something inexpensive you sell on the front end of your business to cover your advertising and overhead costs.

You introduce your Beauticontrol venture on the back end to your retail customers. Training courses, marketing systems and marketing tools for network marketers can be effective funded proposals. Most of the time, funded proposals cost $50-$100 and pay you a commission of $25-$60 per sale.

Once you've sold an inexpensive training product or tool, call your customers. Pass on some tips how your customer can best make use of the product you sold them. when you step up as leader like this, people will regard you as an expert and naturally want to join your Beauticontrol organization. You will get people joining Beauticontrol on auto-pilot.

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