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What You Can Learn From The Account Of Noahs Flood

By Janet Jones

At the time God called Noah to build the ark, he was already 480 years old. Noah did everything God asked him to do so today, he is celebrated by so many. There are a lot of things to learn from the account of Noahs flood. Here you shall see at least seven of them.

The first is the issue of obedience. Noah had not seen the flood yet he obeyed to start early according to God's instruction. He took down the particular dimensions that God wanted and he did not deviate from them. Even when it was time to bring in the animals, Noah was obedient to bring in all the creatures as God commanded. It must have taken him a hard time to capture them but he did not mind.

Those who say that God cannot destroy mankind should be aware of this story. God was so angry at his creature that he vowed to destroy it with water and He did just that. God is always eager to do good and to bless his people but those who make him angry will receive his terrible wrath.

Also, if God has said something, just be sure that it will happen even though it tarries. The warning Noah gave lasted for months but the people took him as a drunkard. They despised him saying he was an old man. This means that God can choose anyone to do His work for Him.

This story should not let the devil succeed in making you think that God really wants a man to perish. He is only concerned about man's evil deeds and will put an end to it if it persists. In His attempt to do this, He provides another way of escape lest man realizes his faults and turn to him.

The story of Noah and the flood also explains that when one is in God, he is fully protected from evil even though they may not be far. Men, therefore, ought to turn to God for protection rather than seek other means of doing so. While sin deprives one of God's protection, abiding in Him brings man's redemption. With all the troubles in the world today, man is better off serving God.

Noah did not give consent to the mockery of those around him. He was determined to do everything that God had commanded him to do and he did it gladly. He believed every word that God said concerning the impending doom even though it had never happened before. He is also a man of faith like one of his fathers, Abraham.

These lessons from the life of Noah should be imbibed. Even though his generation was corrupt, God found someone suitable for his purpose. You therefore have to strive to be different in your locality. When others are mounting pressure on you to do the wrong thing, you should stand your ground instead and refuse to give up. By doing this, God can find you faithful for big tasks even though he may not ask you to build him an ark.

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