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The Crowning Glory Of Men And Women

By Nancy Graham

It often said that it is the crowning glory of a human being, a golden crown that makes a man a king. Except for the soles of the feet, humans have it too but only the head is the part where it constantly grows. As people grow older these filaments will no long grow and Los Angeles natural hair growth can help in making them grow again.

Humans have these to crown their heads. The filaments are cared for extensively especially on the part of the female gender as it is considered their crowning glory. Males groom it during the prime of the lives and begin to lose it as they go past forty years of age. It is then that Los Angeles natural mane development can revitalize the follicles again.

The protein filament found on the human body, specifically those found growing on the scalp is classified into four types. The strait strands are the most shiny and resilient of all. It really is very challenging to destroy and very difficult to curl and is most oily of the four and this reflects light causing its sheen.

The wavy one is second known type. This stands in the middle of curly and straight filaments. Individual strands sometimes stand independently and become curly making the whole bunch look like an untidy assortment fibers, it turns frizzy. This kind is challenging to modify and cut. It often will go back to its original form in just a very short time.

The third on the list is the curly one. This is probably the most voluminous compared to the other three and the best at blocking ultraviolet light that can cause cancer when entering into the follicle. This class is popularly identified as the S or Z type because of its semblance it has with alphabet letters.

The fourth and last classification is kinky class. This is like the previous type except that the curl is coiled and has no observable pattern. It tragically is awfully fragile and is very dense. This will shrink wet and is and can be damaged easily. Colored people of African descent have this kind of filaments.

The steady loss of filament strands at the top of the head is caused by many factors. Foremost among these are deficiencies of nutrition, vitamins, and minerals. Genetics plays a big part too. The male X chromosome is carried on to the male offspring so if an individual is naturally bald making it likely that the offspring will have the tendency to be bald.

No one should take the risk of medicating oneself. It really is dangerous. Chemicals can cause permanent damage to the human body, more so with the growth on the top head. Always seek knowledge to anchor the action. Even with this, it still is dangerous. Always at all times consult the medical experts on this specific specialization.

Like all parts of a human body, the growths from the follicles should always be kept clean and sanitized. This bodily outgrowth has much impact on society to the point that it once was a status symbol. This used to be an identifier of ethnicity. By natural progression this will turn white when a person is past his or her prime.

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