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Factors Hindering The Adoption Of Teleradiology Services

By Karen Butler

In today's world, teleradiology has become online and global. The information technology service industry has pioneered advancements in telemedicine that has made the concept of a global office a reality. It has provided a 24-hour workforce connected through the internet where work follows the sun. This implies we can have a radiologist offering teleradiology services to individuals working night shift in a different part of the world.

The services are being offered across different continents in different time zones all over the world. The best case scenarios have been noted in emergency situations where a radiologist is able to offer a diagnosis timely resulting in the best treatment being offered to the patient. This has been enabled through the advancements in information technology.

Several applications have also been developed that have led to an increase in service delivery. E-commerce platforms have been developed to include payment, communication, and work flow monitoring services. This has led to the automation of the routing, billing and payment processes.

The delivery model has enabled the radiology services to be delivered to emergency rooms, large hospitals, and even remote clinics. A single radiologist can simultaneously offer these services to multiple hospitals during the night shift. This leads to cost-effectiveness as the need to hire night shift personnel in the remote hospitals is minimized.

Many benefits have been noted with the introduction of teleradiology. However, most hospitals are still facing challenges in adopting this great advancement thereby limiting the kind of care they are providing to the patients. Some of the challenges are technology related. The equipment being used requires a certain type of skill and not many technicians are available to offer this service. Reliable internet is also a challenge for most countries and this affected the adoption of the service in remote locations.

The current regulatory structure of most of the medical institutions also hinders the adoption of teleradiology. For example, most of the hospital boards and license requirements require a physical appointment be made when hiring a consultant to validate his or her credentials. This kind of requirement hinders the adoption of the service easily as it is challenging for consultants to visit the remote clinics.

Another challenge that has been noted is the fact that liability laws differ from country to country. This has impacted the service delivery of radiology negatively. The implications of the malpractice liability laws are not very clear where they differ. Some of the claims have also arisen from the improper use of the equipment and error in the transmission of data between the client hospitals and the radiologists.

Another major challenge faced by the hospitals and clinics looking to adopt the technology is the implementation of measures that need to be set up to safeguard the patient information. The transmission of this highly confidential information over a public network raises a concern about the security and confidentiality of the entire system. For unauthorized access to be prevented, the data needs to be secured. The client hospitals need to invest and set up measures that ensure the information is encrypted and stored in a secure manner without affecting the quality of the data.

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