Martial Arts As Therapy. Find More Info In The Lilly Pad Blog

By Gregory Hughes

Martial art is also known as an art of war, these are practices along with traditions of combat used for the main defense. As is common in the broader scheme of things when it comes to martial arts, Ho-Am taekwondo is also founded upon principles; combat, physical strength, health, and spirituality. This is a style of taekwondo that is explained in The Lilly Pad Blog and martial arts international school.

It isn t certain where the practice in its entirety specifically hailed from, yet in different continents or rather regions around the world, it is documented on walls in inscriptions and written on papyrus, leaving traces of it in its various forms behind by those ancient civilizations for all generations to behold & marvel at some point in time how far perhaps the human race has come.

In one form it is depicted on the tombs of Beni Hasan, Egypt, and in another as works of art depicting battle scenes on cave paintings at eastern Spain. In one form it is documented in writings manuals from ancient China s Xi dynasty times, and in another through the literature of the Sangam period in southern India.

It thus also differs in practice as already is apparent, yet its initial purpose seems to have been the very same; combat. With all its variety, development, improvement and advancement, it is fitting to say the common denominator(s) or noticeable traits, which can also be seen as it s pillars is that, the practice is combat oriented, spiritually oriented and health oriented.

So this style of martial art is a science as already seen for development of the human mind & body. It can be observed that after involvement in this practice, even the most of introverted among children who can t socialize with another turn to become extroverted, increasing levels of belief in self and confidence, increased physical strength.

At Teenage hood level, this is the stage where a trainee is becoming even more socialized, meeting through high school various other human beings from different backgrounds, being exposed to good and bad influences from friends, in all that vastness searching for somewhere to belong or fit in. However, tiger rock martial arts ensure the trainee has already knowledge of self-concept and self-worth.

The principles of this style of combat do not only improve your performance in the art; it also makes you successful in anything you attempt in life. Everywhere you might go in life will require to have the knowledge, you will be required t have honor and integrity for a man or woman without such isn t worthy of trust, these few to mention are how then the tenets become applicable outside the art.

Tiger rock martial arts approaches training in this discipline with the knowledge of all these concepts, ideas, principles from ancient times to current in mind, allowing for proper induction, preparation suited for each person according as each individual requirement. This is a trainee tailored approach, allowing for optimal development based on personal growth and awareness level.

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