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How To Choose Between Electrolysis And Laser Permanent Hair Removal Treatment GA

By Amy Ellis

There are four proven methods of permanently getting rid of unwanted hair. They include waxing, threading, laser and electrolysis. Most people are well informed about threading and waxing and their pros and cons. The greatest challenge is to choose between laser and electrolysis when seeking more permanent results. What you need to know is that both alternatives are superb and you simply need to make a personalized decision. If you want permanent hair removal treatment GA has a dependable number of highly proficient aestheticians to offer.

It remains imperative for you to fully understand the deal offered by electrolysis as well as laser treatments. Having the right information will ascertain that you are able to make an educated choice. First, you should take note of the size of the area that ought to be treated. Laser is the best method to use when treating large areas like the chest, back and legs.

Electrolysis should be considered when treating body parts that have lower hair density. The method is also superb for removing tresses within hard-to-reach areas like inside the ears and nose. What happens during sessions is that the expert treats every follicle at a time. Electrolysis offers a cheaper, yet very effective alternative of permanently removing unwanted curls.

The color of your tresses and skin would also determine the most ideal method to use. Laser works best when the device is able to identify dark pigments from your skin. Those whose curls are blond or red may therefore not be good candidates for this type of treatments. It is also a fact that if your skin pigment is equally as dark as your hair, then the best results may not be achieved.

For laser treatments to work exceptionally well, you should not be in the sun for at least six weeks before your appointment. This means that those who primarily spend their days outdoors because of work or their lifestyle preferences may not make good candidates for laser. In this case, you may want to consider electrolysis treatments.

What makes laser technology highly preferred is that it is completely non-invasive. A special light is used to penetrate your skin, though no damage is done on your skin surface. It is therefore ideal for people who are scared of needles. If you choose electrolysis, you should beware that the process will require the insertion of a probe. Then again laser treatments have lesser side effects and get scabs or reddened areas.

For you to be an educated client, you must know how permanent the outcome of treatments will be. For laser, the results last for a year at most. What happens is that hair growth gets stunted, though your curls will regrow after some months. The outcome of electrolysis is more permanent.

Choosing a method that suits you is important. It is equally vital to ensure that you get your services from a reliable aesthetician. The right professional will be trained, seasoned and highly competent. He or she will also have numerous outstanding reviews from recent clients. It pays to work with a specialist who is well reputed within your area.

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