Personal Growth Mentoring Can Help People Find Meaning In Life

By Carolyn Hayes

Millions of people in developed countries no longer have to continually fight for shelter and for the next meal. For them, all the basic requirements of a relatively comfortable life are available permanently. Many of these people develop other needs, especially the need for self fulfilment. They are looking for a deeper meaning in life and they often experiment with various theories and philosophies. However, in order to keep developing, numerous individuals opt for personal growth mentoring.

When a desire for higher levels of self actualization develops, many people are not sure how to go about it. Some people explore different religions while others study different philosophies. Others attend courses or they involve themselves in community work. This is all done in the vague wish to discover the meaning of life. Getting help from a mentor can help such people pinpoint their own desires and needs.

It is vital to understand and to accept that no mentor can offer a secret towards self fulfilment and happiness. These are things that can only be discovered on a very private level. The role of the mentor is not to offer instant solutions. Rather, his role is to help his client to discover himself and to identify his own needs and wants. This will be different for every person.

Most mentors will start off by helping their clients to have a very good, honest look at themselves. They will lead them towards discovering those areas of life that is unsatisfactory, the areas that the client perceive as weak points and also the areas in which the client feels that he excels. This process may also involve an investigation of all the secret wishes and longings of the client.

Identifying areas where self development is necessary or desirable is important, but the next step is to set goals that will bring about those changes that the client long for. Goals need to be specific. It is no use setting a goal to be more involved in community work, for example. The goal must be more specific and specify the how and where of the issue.

The next step is to break down each objectives into smaller, measurable steps. This will help the client to remain motivated, because the achievement of even one small steps indicate progress towards the achievement of the bigger objective. It may be a good idea to write these small steps down and to involve loved ones in the process too.

It can be difficult to choose a suitable mentor. The relationship between the mentor and his client need to be based on mutual trust and confidentiality. Many professional mentors offer a free first consultation and some will even refer the prospective client to a colleague that is better equipped to fulfil the needs of the individual concerned. Some people change mentors every now and again.

Mankind will never be satisfied with the status quo. People believe that there is always something else to strive for. Mentors can definitely help people to discover a deeper meaning in their own lives and also the relationship between their own lives and the lives of all the other people around them.

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