01 August, 2014

Janitorial Distributors Are There For Your Every Need

By Annabelle Holman

All custodial companies need a ready supply of materials, supplies, chemicals and equipment to perform their jobs and your company is no different. Whether you are a contract cleaning company or the janitorial department head of a larger firm, you need stuff to make your cleaning possible. That is the reason for janitorial distributors to be in business.

One of the problems you have when dealing with only one manufacturer is that you only have access to one manufacturer. The distributors, on the other hand, will represent all of the main brands. This is helpful as you can compare the good and the bad and make your own mind up about what is right for you and your cleaners.

The many floor machines are usually setting there and are able to be looked at, tried out and instructed on. Doing the comparing of the features and availability will assist you in knowing which is the best one for your firm. They can be used, within the shop usually in the back, and this will further cement your decision. A quick class can be given by these employees and it may open options you had not thought about.

Those machines, such as carpet cleaners or auto scrubbers are important elements of a complete cleaning service. You may not be offering this service and might be outsourcing this stream of income. You may simply need some instruction and more information, as well as appropriate chemicals to make these work for you.

Vacuum cleaners also come in many shapes and sizes. There are upright machine as well as back pack models. Bagged and non bagged as well as battery operated ones of many widths will assist in making your workers as flexible as possible. These can range from eight inches to 36 inches wide for all situations. Trying them out will help you know which are the ones to model your cleaning processes around.

Chemicals are what turns dusting or wiping into actual cleaning. These chemicals and other solutions are available and they are all here to compare. Information, which is what many people search for, here, is obtainable through sales literature and the MSDSs that are required by law.

Small hand tools such as putty knives and brushes as well as softer items, such as towels and cloths are also there. You will find all of these available and the ability to compare each of them to find the best for your tasks. You might be surprised to find that the ones you may be using now are not the best and the employees there can show you a few things as well.

The truth of the matter is that if the distributors do not have the information, you may not be able to find it. The employees and the customers, some of them your competition, will be able to help you more than you can find reading any manual or e book around. To learn how to clean and handle customer relations, talk to a professional. To learn more than that, talk to your competition and suppliers who do this every day.

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