A Forensic Neuropsychologist In Los Angeles Tests Litigants Charged With A Crime

By Miranda Sweeney

The forensic neuropsychologist is educated to the doctoral level. He or she is then licensed as a practicing psychologist. The task of testing alleged criminals is not the only work performed. The forensic neuropsychologist in Los Angeles may also see patients in private practice in addition to serving as a witness in court.

He or she will finish an education that prepares him or her to be a licensed practicing psychologist. Additional training is needed to be board certified. Only those with the highest qualifications are eligible to be board certified.

The job involves evaluating litigants who are charged with a crime. There is extensive testing in specific areas. Some alleged criminals are skilled at hiding their true state of mind. For example, he or she may try to fake insanity to avoid being sent to prison.

Working with criminals for the attorney provides the relevant information. The tests reveal any brain disorder, whether neurological or non-neurological. The request for testing to be done is made by the prosecuting or defense attorney. These tests are used in the medical field also.

It is intended to show whether someone is afflicted with brain abnormalities. The same principles are applied to show whether someone is malingering or trying to pretend insanity to avoid prison time. If insane the criminal is sent to a hospital for the criminally insane instead.

A person working in this capacity would have a strong interest in the practice of criminal law. Most of the individuals being evaluated are charged with vicious crimes. Murder, including death penalty cases is one example.

Test results are intended to assist attorneys and judges in dealing with a crime case. In the case of an appeal to a higher court, the litigant has already been convicted and is serving time in prison. The appeal is made to overturn the conviction for one of a variety of reasons.

A high income is possible for the psychologist working in this capacity. The testing procedure is grueling. Many specific facets of the litigants personality are reviewed. Social maladjustment and the inability to hold a job are often discovered.

A serious malady such as borderline personality disorder is often found. Many of these alleged criminals are psychopaths, individuals with no concern for the feelings of their victim. These are not valid excuses since they do not meet the requirements of legal insanity. Insanity and legal insanity differ in several ways.

Testing sometimes continues for days. Some facets of personality explored are perception, coordination, large and small motor skills and cognition. These individuals often do not understand the impact their crime has on others. Mental, visual and auditory acuity may be below the normal ranges.

Signs of an emotional disorder will emerge if one exists. Nonverbal understanding and language skill are noted. The individual may have a learning disability, which is never an excuse for committing violent acts.

These are tested and evaluated and a final report is compiled. The forensic neuropsychologist may then appear in court as an expert witness. The litigant is usually being charged with a violent crime such as kidnapping, rape or murder. It is an awesome responsibility to aid in convicting one of these allegedly dangerous individuals. Innocence can be indicated as well.

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