The Symptoms And Treatment Of Temporomendibular Joint Disorder

By Jamal D White

Temporomendibular joint is the hinge joint, which connects the lower mandible to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint is flexible as it allows the jaw to be able to move smoothly side to side and up and down; thus making it easier to chew, yawn and talk. Temporomandibular joint disorder is usually due to problems with this joint and the surrounding facial muscles that control the moving of the jaw and chewing. It is important to know the symptoms and the treatment of this disorder in order to know what to do if you have such a condition.

Pain and tenderness on the face is one of the main symptoms of tmj. Pain may also be experience in the neck and shoulders, the jaw joint area and around the ear especially as you open your mouth to either chew or speak. When you are suffering from this condition, opening the mouth becomes a great problem.

While you open or close the mouth area, you will probably hear some grating, clicking or popping sounds within the jaw joint. Additionally, your jaws can lock either when your mouth is opened or closed. Eating also becomes intolerable because of the discomfort while you open or close the mouth area.

Another common characteristic of bruxism may be the swelling of the face. You might have the entire face inflamed or even the side, which has the joint problem. You may even notice a tired feeling in your face as if something just ran you over.

Tmj symptoms are quite many although these are the most common ones. Once you have noticed that you have these symptoms, the next thing is to take the appropriate treatment in order to get better. One of the common treatments is to ensure that you take soft foods. Soft foods are usually recommended because they are easy to chew and one does not have to strain a lot while chewing these foods.

Ice packs may also come in handy. You may also consider applying moist heat to the temple and the side of your face, as this reduces any tension on any tight muscles that may be causing spasms. Once you are done applying the moist heat, you can then do some stretching exercises like pulling the jaw apart gently using your hands and not the jaw muscles. In addition to this exercise, your dentist may recommend other suitable exercises.

The use of splints is also a common way of treating tmj. Splits are appropriate as they prevent the lower and upper teeth from coming together; thus, making it hard for you to clench or grind your teeth. These devices are useful as they take pressure off the muscles and the jaw joints thus ensuring the jaws are relaxed and they can heal.

When you know the different temporomendibular joint disorder signs and symptoms, you will be able to go ahead and take necessary treatment. Additionally, it becomes simpler to handle the problem before it becomes worse. The remedies for such a disorder will also be different depending on the severity of the condition.

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