The Importance Of Arc Flash Analysis

By Krystal Branch

Arc flash analysis is required in all industries where high voltage tools are used in daily operations. It is aimed at reducing the possibility of fire hazards that result from the passage of high voltage current through the air. It causes an explosion that damages the equipment with temperatures that can be as high as 35000 F.

Destruction of equipment and systems results from rapid heating and the extreme pressure that results from the electric blast. It affects the metal conductors along the path of the arc and within the vicinity. The speed of heat in this environment is extremely high and causes rapid expansion. Solid metal conductors are likely to melt in such circumstances causing extensive damage on equipment and the entire premises.

Extreme temperatures combined with high voltage precipitate a disaster. There is imminent death or grave injuries for anyone caught in the situation. It takes a fraction of a second to cause the explosion such that personnel around the area are helpless. They have no time to switch off machines or escape from the scene. The magnitude is like that of several sticks of dynamite put together. It causes a collapse of the entire electric system and results in a huge fire.

Regulations on electricity use require that areas that are prone to flashes be labeled comprehensively. Their potential should also be clearly indicated so that people working in the area can take caution. Such potential can only be identified if a detailed study is conducted. The danger zones will be marked after a thorough evaluation of the electric systems. Boundaries are clearly marked so that anyone entering or working in the area is sensitive to the possibility of a blast.

Energized electric parts are the sources of arc flashes though there are restrictions on their use by regulatory bodies. Environments where they are found should be clearly marked so that people there are aware of looming danger. Accidents in such areas result from oversight or an error in judgment. Anyone working in such an environment should have protective clothing to minimize danger. The level of exposure varies from one environment to the other. Protective clothing is required when working around charged parts.

If electric systems are not adequately maintained, they are vulnerable to explosions. The safety of a system is guaranteed from installation. Knowing the real potential of the system means you can take adequate precautions. Under protection exposes workers to risky currents and blasts. The analysis conducted helps you to grasp the strength and weakness of your system.

Reduction of arch flash energy is possible with the support of experts. It saves expenditure on PPE and reduces the extent of damage. An adjustment on the tripping device is made so that the circuit is broken at lower voltage. This move affects how protective devices are coordinated but it has numerous benefits. Only an expert can effectively carry out the task.

Each electric system produces a unique arc flash analysis report. There are software used to generate detailed reports which include the strengths and weaknesses of your system. The report gives you a clear picture of the danger that lies within your system so that you can protect yourself.

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