30 October, 2013

Small Business Plan Beginners Guide

By Zak Barton

Having a good small business plan will ensure that your journey to success is much smoother. All successful business owners know that having an organized, well thought plan is essential to see the results they expect. Even if the business plan doesn't give the results that you would have thought in the beginning, you can tweak and change different areas of your process to perfect it.
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I thought I would go through a step by step guide to what you need for an effective small business plan. Many people try and start a business without any true expectations for the future other then 'oh this is going to work'. You have to know exactly what "should" happen so that the surprises are less. In most cases surprises in business aren't positive.

Another key benefit of a well written business plan is that it becomes a permanent reference point for you to view as needed and will assist you in maintaining your focus for the life of your business.

Project Where You Want to Be Across the Time Frame This is a second list that identifies where the business should be, in relation to the critical issue being addressed. Using the same example of sales and marketing as above, this list spells out what the "end picture" should look like in relation to these activities, across the business plan time frame.

So what are your opening expenses? Here are some questions you need to answer to find out your estimated dollar amount:How much money does your product or service cost you?,How much money will you charge for your service/product?,How much money do you require to live for two years with no profit coming in from your business (safety precaution)?,How much will it cost for your employees for 2 years?,What are your legal fees?,What are your CPA fees?,How much will getting a physical location cost you (if needed)?

Tasks.Objectives must be broken down into a series of tasks and jobs that need to be completed to ensure that the given objective is met. These tasks must be specific, agreed, realistic, targeted and have accountabilities and responsibilities clearly assigned to them.

Tasks should be made into "bite-sized" pieces. Once this is done and each task is completed, it will unerringly lead to the objective being achieved, and everyone can see how their particular task and its completion fit into the bigger strategic picture.Deadlines.All of the tasks assigned must have strict deadlines that are agreed and adhered to by all people involved. Keeping each other accountable is an important dimension in pushing for high performance in the effective and successful small business. Interrelated tasks must be identified, and critical paths for their completion established.

Once you have all these areas done, you have to know how you are going to promote your business and keep the business coming in. This seems to be the biggest problem most business owners have. You know everything there is to know about your products/services, but you know nothing about marketing. That's expected too. Marketing is an expertise in itself. If you've read much of my blog, you know how I preach about smart marketing. Smart marketing is all about spending your hard earned dollar and getting more then you spent in return. In other words, big return on investment (ROI). Every market will be different and different marketing tactics will work in each of them. You have a huge list of options too. Newspapers, Yellow Pages, Radio, Television Ads,Fliers, postcards, promotion coupons,Referral programs,Internet marketing,Email marketing,Holding seminars and special events,Business to business referral programs

These are just to name a few of the options you have. You can never go wrong working with other local businesses. It's beneficial for both businesses and can be something that explodes your business quickly. It should definitely be part of every small business plan. No matter which direction you take your marketing in, remember to always be able to track your marketing method. You always want to know how effective each method is for your business. Don't spray and pray! In other words, don't just buy what that marketing salesman is selling you if they can't show you how many customers you are getting in return.

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