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Going Beyond The Newspaper To Effectively Market Your Auto Repair Business

By Jeff Peterson

It's a fact that every automotive repair service business we know struggles with investing while trying to take advantage of its potential increase. How do we solve this dilemma? Here are nice methods to grow your business to success.

It is important to establish a good training program for new employees. When your auto repair center takes off, it will be essential that you pass on your automotive repair service business outlook to new employees quickly and easily.

Too often an automotive repair service business will undervalue their products and services when offering them to clients. Low balling prices may seem like a good idea at first, but if you keep on doing so you will never make your desired profits. Instead, charge fair prices and this is something your customers will respect.

Clutter can be a huge downfall for many automotive repair service businesses. Both your physical and electronic spaces should be free of unnecessary clutter. It can make a business space seem much smaller than it is and make things harder to find. Keeping your workspace clean will look more professional and help you to find everything easier.

Getting ready to launch into your growth strategy? Take some time to consider if your tag line needs updating. Updating your tag line is an easy way to indicate to your clients that you are moving forward with your automotive repair service business.

Telemarketing doesn't sound like the best way to get more customers for your automotive repair service business, but the process does work. Have your phone reps discuss the products you have available. Never push people to buy something, have them wanting to buy something instead.

Other people you know in automotive repair service business can a good referral source. Talk to them about suggesting business for each other. Two can create more activity for both of your businesses than either one of you can do alone.

When it comes to making profits analyze and you'll find that just about 10% of your products or campaigns will yield about 90%of the profits. Find out, what is it about them that has caused this sudden and absolute popularity. You could work out a model along similar lines for other products and services.

Auto Repair Business owners have asked permission to post their ads in the windows of other automotive repair service businesses. When you do this make sure that the businesses are in high traffic areas to get the most out of this advertising tactic. Keep in mind that you don't want to ask to put up your ads in stores that are similar to yours. It will not likely be met with a good reception!

Give something extra to your customers. Customers play an important role in the success of an automotive repair service business. Whenever they come in your office give them a cup of tea or coffee which can make happy and your reputation will also be increased in their eyes.

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