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Three Uses of Reagents for Lugol's Solution

By Marco Alva

There are many different uses of reagents and they're generally utilized to help many different chemical reactions ensue. There are a number of substances and everybody utilizes these without knowing that they're truly reagents. A very good example of these is the Lugol's solution. This reagent is used to check if sugar or polysaccharides are found on a sample. A drop of this orange solution on a surface that's got polysaccharides will turn that surface into dark violet to dark blue to black. This color indicates the existence of starch , that is a polysaccharide. The numerous Uses of reagents like Lugol's have really made it easier to detect and even treat many health concerns.

Test for Presence of Substance

Like stated, Lugol's solution is utilized to test out for sugar within the blood, urine as well as in the cerebrospinal fluid . High sugar content in the blood or urine shows diabetes mainly because a patient cannot directly utilize the glucose from food with out the aid of insulin , which is the reason why it stays within the blood and it is passed out on urine. On the other hand, it may also be utilized to check for the presence of glucose in the cerebrospinal fluid, which can show an underlying infection just like meningitis thru clear fluids taken from lumbar tap and also leaks from the nose as well as ears of patients affected.

Schiller's Test

It might also be utilized to identify the existence of cancer of cervix. Ladies go through Pap smear once in a year and sometimes, when the process is made and the result is found to be abnormal, a Schiller's examination with the use of Lugol's solution will be bought. This examination stains the cervix or to look for the part exactly where the unusual cells were scraped. Normal cells will turn brown right after the application of the solution, while abnormal ones will become white even with the stain .

Antiseptic and Cure for Illnesses

Lugol's solution is composed of derivatives of iodine and also potassium and is a good antiseptic. This is utilized topically to cure acne and clean up the nails and it may actually be added in certain amounts to food and drink of individuals who are iodine-deficient. This is especially useful for people who have hypothyroidism, all those who have undergone thyroidectomy or individuals who have had their goiters removed. This reagent truly has a lot of advantages for numerous different types of people.

The Uses of reagents must always be considered because they do not just assist detect or test for the presence of ailments but they also aid in its treatment. Medicines, household chemical substances, food elements, etc. all can be considered as reagents. The functions of these significant elements are broad in nature and all in all, they truly give lots of benefits with regards to health, food production as well as manufacturing. Everything requires reagents to work and this is why many businesses also thrive selling these essential compounds. The next time, before you use a medicine or a product, always read about unfamiliar components first. You may be surprised to learn precisely how countless reagents are used to make one item.

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