Notes On Navicular Disease Treatment
By Raymond White It is important to note that no single cure has been established to work or treat the syndrome. The deteriorating changes are irreversible especially in circumstances where the horse is lame. For such cases only therapy can be done to improve the condition. Horse keepers are therefore recommended to manage the problem as early as possible as treating it is almost impossible. This article explains further on navicular disease treatment . The major factor known to cause the syndrome is compression. This occurs as a result of the navicular bone being compressed where the tendon as well as the back of the pastern bone are trodden. Continuous compression of the bone results into the cartilage levelling and becoming less springy and less shock absorbing. This in turn causes cartilage deterioration. The tendon on bone becomes eroded due to continuous compression normally along the flexor tissue. Experts have researched and concluded that the syndrome is similar to o...